Culinary Science (BPS) (NY)

Degree Type
Bachelor of Professional Studies (BPS)

The bachelor's degree program in culinary science prepares graduates to pursue careers in research and development (chains and packaged goods); work for large foodservice operations such as hospitals, schools, and military organizations; serve as field representatives; use science for creative impetus as a restaurant chef; and more.

To qualify for the bachelor's degree in culinary science, students must be in good standing at the college and earn a total of 127 credits. Full-time students can complete the program in 40 months. Students also need to maintain a grade point average of at least 2.0 to complete the bachelor's degree program. Students may be eligible to receive up to 60 credits toward their degree for prior course work, certain examinations, military experience, and/or life achievement. Students must schedule a minimum of 33 upper-level culinary science credits at the CIA.

Program Learning Outcomes

Developing and Applying Interdisciplinary Problem Solving Skills
Students will develop interdisciplinary problem-solving skills applicable to food production challenges.

Applying Sensory Science
Students will apply sensory science principles to guide the food development and evaluation process.

Developing Professional Quality Products
Students will develop professional quality products using a science-based understanding.

Applying Culinary and Baking Critical Thinking
Students will develop and apply critical thinking skills in regards to the culinary and baking arts.

Analyzing Food using Foundational Scientific Principles
Students will be able to analyze food through a variety of foundational scientific principles

Instructional Programs and Schedule

While enrolled in the junior and senior years of the bachelor's degree programs, students will attend class over a 15- week semester. The college's academic schedule ensures that students will progress from intermediate to advanced subject matter in proper sequence.

The CIA reserves the right to modify course sequence, content, and offerings.

Graduation Requirements

Students enrolling in the Culinary Science major should work with their advisor to select the proper mix of in-person, online, or hybrid courses that both meet the graduation requirements of the degree and align with their academic goals and career aspirations. Students choose either the Culinary Arts focus or the Baking and Pastry Arts focus. The basic requirements follow.

Please note: Credits earned in the CIA's AOS and AAS degree programs apply towards the requirements of this program.

Culinary Arts Focus

Course Number
Sub-Total Credits

Liberal Arts Requirements

Course Number
Sub-Total Credits

Business Management Courses at the 100 and 200 Level

Course Number
Sub-Total Credits
Total Credits