Culinary Skills
CULS-105: Ingredients and Techniques of Fabrication
CULS-115: Meat Identification, Fabrication, and Utilization
This course will introduce the student to the subject of meats and their application in foodservice operations, building a strong foundation that supports the principles to be learned in the cooking courses to follow. Through lectures, demonstrations, hands-on activities, and reviews, students will learn about the muscle and bone structure of beef, veal, pork, lamb, game, and poultry; fabrication methods for sub-primal and foodservice cuts; and proper tying and trussing methods. Lectures will introduce meat inspection, quality and yield grading, costing and yield testing, purchasing specifications, and basic information concerning the farm-to-table trail. Discussions will include preferred cooking methods for all meats, proper knife selection, and butchery equipment. Sanitation and safety standards will be stressed throughout.
CULS-116: Seafood Identification and Fabrication
An overview of the principles of receiving, identifying, fabricating, and storing seafood. Identification will involve round fish, flat fish, crustaceans, and shellfish. Topics include knife skills, yield results, quality checks, product tasting, storage of various types of fish, techniques for fabricating cuts for professional kitchens, special storage equipment, commonly used and underutilized species of fish, fishing and aquaculture techniques, and how to choose sustainable species.