ACBP-451: Pastry Concepts and Design

Credits 3
This course will introduce students to the practical application of the principles for the designing of both baked goods as well as assorted pastry items. Participants will take a variety of products through the entire cycle of production, from concept and design to planning production needs to the packaging and display of such products. Topics include product design; production requirements, focusing on equipment strategy; and packaging design, including the history of packaging as well as cultural and environmental concerns. The material covered in this course will play an important part in adding knowledge and understanding of how the baking and pastry industry navigates the flow process from conception to completion.
Prerequisite or Corequisite
Advanced Pastry (ADVP-301), Business Planning (MGMT-407), Creative Artisanal Chocolates (ACBP-450), and Modern Entremets, Pastries, and Petit Fours (ACBP-452).