MWBM-580: Graduate Seminar and Capstone Project

Credits 2
This online, practical course will provide learners with the strategies, skills, and tools they need to conduct effective research and produce quality written work. The course will serve as the capstone seminar, designed to provide MPS in Wine and Beverage Management learners with the opportunity to apply, demonstrate, integrate, and synthesize the competencies and learning outcomes obtained and developed throughout the Wine and Beverage Management program and overall course of study. These competencies will be applied to a relevant project selected by the learner, whether it be an entrepreneurial venture, a project for a current or future employer, or a personal interest project, viewed through a business lens. Through the successful completion of a series of structured research and development check-points, MPS learners will demonstrate that they possess the ability to complete scholarly research and write a formal academic paper using relevant sources in part one of this course. This research will form the basis for a business model canvas, selected business plan components, and a business presentation, for the selected final project.

Residency One-Viticulture and Viniculture, Orientation and Cohort Formation (MWBM-501A), Global Wine Business Operations (MWBM-500), The New World--Northern Hemisphere (MWBM-510), Advanced Beverage Management (MWBM-520), The New World--Southern Hemisphere (MWBM-530), Residency Two-Wine Summit + Framing of Capstone (MWBM-501B), The Old World-Northern Wine Countries of Europe (MWBM-540), Spirits, Fermented, and Non-Alcoholic Beverages (MWBM-550), The Old World-Southern and Eastern Europe (MWBM-560), and Entrepreneurial Innovation & Business for Wine and Beverage (MWBM-570).


Residency Three-Capstone Presentation Residency (MWBM-501C)