Professionalism/Class Participation—Graduate

Graduate degree coursework requires a significant amount of commitment from enrolled students (and the instructors). The expectations of a traditional graduate course require students to spend three hours in class each week and, depending on work habits and the demands of the course, another nine–12 hours per week on readings and assignments. The assignments and expectations for each course are very rigorous and intense. While students will receive a great deal of instruction and guidance in completing the coursework, it is up to the student to make the most out of the overall experience. In class, students will engage in consistently high levels of writing, communicating, and group work in order to achieve the course learning objectives. Students will be expected to have thoroughly and critically read all course materials in order to best benefit from the lectures, tours, and tastings, and all students are required to actively participate in the discussion.

Classes are a community of learners, which means students will depend upon each other to support and inform one another. Please refrain from behaviors that would be inappropriate for a learning environment. For the Wine and Beverage Management program, electronic devices are permitted in class, and students are encouraged to use them as a resource during discussions and debates; however, please refrain from using electronics during lecture, presentations, or quizzes. Students are encouraged to ask questions, raise issues to the class, and/or make suggestions related to the topics studied. It is advisable to respect each other's opinions and refrain from frequent interruptions of the lecturer or colleagues. Students are expected to:

  • Display a willingness to listen to, help, and support other students.
  • Take notes on lecture material and demonstrations.
  • Contribute to the daily lecture and discussion.
  • Refer to material from reading assignments.
  • Be attentive to guest speakers and ask relevant questions.
  • Actively participate in class activities and field trips.
  • Work effectively and cooperatively in group activities or projects.
  • Demonstrate an understanding and respect for alcoholic beverages.
  • Exhibit respect for teachers, visitors, and colleagues.
  • Stay open-minded to the opinions of others.