Incomplete grades shall be assigned by faculty members when a student has not yet completed the work for a course due to extenuating circumstances and the faculty member agrees to provide a student more time to finish the course. Students shall have no more than nine weeks from the end of the date of the course to submit any incomplete work to the faculty member. Students who do not finish their incomplete work in the period required will receive an "F" grade since an incomplete grade will be automatically converted to a failing grade nine weeks after the date of the end of the course.
In order to be eligible for an incomplete grade, a student must:
- Have an approved extenuating circumstance,
- Have already completed at least three quarters of the work in a course,
- Have a passing grade on the work already submitted in the course, and
- Sign an Incomplete Grade Agreement that indicates the remaining work to be done, the time frame to accomplish that work, and the consequences of not completing the work on time or in a quality manner.
The Incomplete Grade Agreement shall be signed by the student and faculty member and a copy shall be filed in the student's permanent file along with the class roster on which the grades are recorded.
In addition, incomplete grades:
- Shall not be given for students who will fail the course due to absences,
- Cannot be used for a student retaking a final examination, and
- Will not be included in the calculation of a student's grade point average (GPA).