MCUL-501B: Residency II: International Perspectives on Food and Wine

Credits 1

This course provides MPS learners with the opportunity to connect with their cohort and learn more about artisan-level food and wine from an international perspective. Students will visit and interact with iconic vineyards, farmers, winemakers, and restaurateurs found in the cradle of the fine dining culture -- France. During this residency, students will participate in a series of interactive sessions to explore the dynamics of champagne, wine, and food pairing led by leading experts. They will also, through an immersive experience, be exposed to operating practices, business philosophies, and attitudes toward social issues, sufficient to develop an understanding and ability to contrast them to that of American-based endeavors.


Residency I: Orientation and Cohort Formation (MCUL-501A), The History and Culture of Cuisine and Restaurants (MCUL-500), Sustainable Agriculture (MSFS-530), Restaurant Internship Experience I (MCUL-502A1), Advanced Beverage Management (MWBM-520), Real Estate, Capitalization, and Partnership Strategies for the Restaurateur (MFBS-570), Restaurant Internship Experience I (MCUL-502A2)