MGMT-421: Intraventure Operations

Credits 3
A capstone course in which the students implement the restaurant concept developed in the previous semesters. The class serves as the environment where students learn and develop skills necessary to the planning and operation of a restaurant within a set, limited physical plant. Students will undertake managerial responsibility for the innovation in the Student Commons. The students will organize themselves, refine the concept, and run the restaurant for the full semester. They will hire and supervise workers for their restaurant, and do scheduling, ordering, costing, and consumer satisfaction surveys to aid in their understanding of the complexity of running a restaurant. This course is highly original in that the students will be fully responsible for operating a restaurant on campus. The format is also unusual; the students will work at least five hours per week in the restaurant as both line workers and managers. In addition, class will be held once a week where every class will start with an overview of the operations. The rest of the class will be devoted to lectures and case studies on the hospitality industry.

Human Resource Management (MGMT-210), Managerial Accounting (MGMT-225), Intraventure Operations Technology (MGMT-317), Menu Development and Testing (MGMT-330), and Intraventure Planning (MGMT-445).

Prerequisite or Corequisite
Intraventure Critique, Analysis, and Evaluation (MGMT-422).