MSFS-581: Applied Project in Food Systems and Sustainability

Credits 2

This is the capstone seminar course for the MPS Program in Sustainable Food Systems. The course is designed to provide learners with the opportunity to apply, demonstrate, integrate, and synthesize the competencies and learning outcomes obtained and developed throughout the program and overall course of study. These competencies will be applied to a relevant project related to food system sustainability and transformation selected by the learner, whether it be research based, entrepreneurial, experiential, focused on a specific outcome such as a grant proposal or publication, or may take other forms relevant to the student’s goals and interests. 


Exploring San Francisco Bay Area Food Systems (MSFS-501A), Sustainability and Climate Change (MSFS-500), Systems Thinking Seminar (MSFS-505), Local, Regional, and Global Food Systems (MSFS-510), Race, Class, and Justice from the Field to the Table (MSFS-520), Sustainable Agriculture (MSFS-530), Exploring Hudson Valley Food Systems (MSFS-501B), Sustainable Diets and Public Health (MSFS-540) Culinary Strategy and Food System Innovation (MSFS-550), Food Movement Voices: How to Create Change (MSFS-560), Leadership, Engagement, and Impact (MSFS-570).


Making Change in the Food System: Leadership Perspectives (MSFS-590), Presentation of Capstone Project/Graduation (MSFS-501C).