MSFS-570: Leadership, Engagement, and Impact

Credits 3

This course will introduce students to the different ways that individual stakeholders can actively influence the practices and policies that control the global food system. The class will focus on showcasing how chefs, farmers, and others use their personal profiles, restaurants, and networks to influence policies related to worker rights, environmental sustainability, nutrition incentives, and social justice. The course will present historical and current case studies of individuals and companies leading food system reforms by changing their own business practices, working directly with community-based organizations, and advocating for policy changes.


For MPS in Sustainable Food Systems students: Exploring San Francisco Bay Area Food Systems (MSFS-501A), Sustainability and Climate Change (MSFS-500), Systems Thinking Seminar (MSFS-505), Local, Regional, and Global Food Systems (MSFS-510), Race, Class, and Justice from the Field to the Table (MSFS-520), Sustainable Agriculture (MSFS-530), Exploring Hudson Valley Food Systems (MSFS-501B), Sustainable Diets and Public Health (MSFS-540) Culinary Strategy and Food System Innovation (MSFS-550)

For MPS in Food Business students: Orientation and Cohort Formation (MFBS-501A), Science of Food Systems (MFBS-510), Ethical Leadership in the Food Business (MFBS-530), Business Fundamentals (MFBS-500), Design Thinking for Food (MFBS-520), Framing the Business Playbook (MFBS-501B), Food Industry Organizational Management  (MFBS-542), Culinary Strategy and Food System Innovation (MSFS-550) Corequisite(s): Hospitality, Branding, and Marketing Strategies (MFBS-562)

For MPS in Culinary Arts students: ): Residency I, Orientation and Cohort Formation (MCUL-501A),The History and Culture of Cuisine and Restaurants (MCUL-500), Sustainable Agriculture (MSFS-530), Restaurant Internship Experience I (MCUL-502A1), Advanced Beverage Management (MWBM-520), Real Estate, Capitalization, and Partnership Strategies for the Restaurateur (MFBS-570), Restaurant Internship Experience I (MCUL-502A2), Residency II – International Perspectives on Food & Wine  (MCUL-501B), The Art and Contributions of Great Wine and Cuisine (MCUL-540), Culinary Strategy and Food Systems Innovation (MSFS-550), Restaurant Internship Experience II (MCUL-502B1)


For MPS in Sustainable Food Systems students: Food Movement Voices: How to Create Change (MSFS-560)

For MPS in Culinary Arts students: 
Marketing and Brand Strategies for the Restaurateur (MFBS-560), Restaurant Internship Experience II (MCUL-502B2)