MSFS-560: Food Movement Voices: How to Create Change

Credits 3

Food Movement Voices is a media-based course designed to expose students to various individuals, events, or actions that may provoke change or highlight a specific individual within the food system. It will feature the application of theoretical knowledge, connected to specific tasks. Over the course of the term the students will work individually and collaboratively as a cohort to review, research, and critique written material, audio and video files that showcase several relevant themes related to the concept of Food Voice. By the end of the term students will have produced their own body of work in the form of a series of short podcasts, and ancillary collateral materials for marketing and promotion of their concept and themes.


Exploring San Francisco Bay Area Food Systems (MSFS-501A), Sustainability and Climate Change (MSFS-500), Systems Thinking Seminar (MSFS-505), Local, Regional, and Global Food Systems (MSFS-510), Race, Class, and Justice from the Field to the Table (MSFS-520), Sustainable Agriculture (MSFS-530), Exploring Hudson Valley Food Systems (MSFS-501B), Sustainable Diets and Public Health (MSFS-540) Culinary Strategy and Food System Innovation (MSFS-550)


Leadership, Engagement, and Impact (MSFS-570)