MSFS-540: Sustainable Diets and Public Health

Credits 3

This course will explore the dietary shifts needed in the US and other high, middle, and low-income countries to achieve global sustainability, food security, and public health goals. Students will be challenged to think critically about the characteristics of sustainable and healthy diets, the influencing factors that shape current and emerging food consumption trends, and how different sectors can play a role in advancing evidence-based programs and policies for changing eating patterns in the US and globally. Through readings, videos, interactive discussions, guest lectures, and project assignments, this course will prepare students become effective advocates for programs and policies that support healthy and more sustainable dietary changes among diverse audiences.


Exploring San Francisco Bay Area Food Systems (MSFS-501A), Sustainability and Climate Change (MSFS-500), Systems Thinking Seminar (MSFS-505), Local, Regional, and Global Food Systems (MSFS-510), Race, Class, and Justice from the Field to the Table (MSFS-520), Sustainable Agriculture (MSFS-530) and Exploring Hudson Valley Food Systems (MSFS-501B)


Culinary Strategy and Food System Innovation (MSFS-550)