MCUL-502B: Restaurant Internship Experience II

Credits 3

This course is the first extension of the immersion experience begun by the students in MCUL-502A. During this second year, students will continue with observational study of their host site with a focus on aesthetic and ethical values of the operation and how those connect to its mission and brand. Students will study and prepare portfolio presentations documenting relevant discoveries concurrently, and in coordination, with formal coursework of the program.


Residency I, Orientation and Cohort Formation (MCUL-501A),The History and Culture of Cuisine and Restaurants (MCUL-500), Sustainable Agriculture (MSFS-530), Restaurant Internship Experience I (MCUL-502A1), Advanced Beverage Management (MWBM-520), Real Estate, Capitalization, and Partnership Strategies for the Restaurateur (MFBS-570), Restaurant Internship Experience I (MCUL-502A2), Residency II – International Perspectives on Food & Wine  (MCUL-501B)


The Art and Contributions of Great Wine and Cuisine (MCUL-540), Culinary Strategy and Food System Innovation (MSFS-550)